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In Progress

Dora, J., Kuczynski, A.M., McCabe, C.J., Creswell, K.G., Dvorak, R.D., Howard, A.L., Patrick, M.E., Shoda, Y., Smith, G.T., Wright, A.G.C., & King, K.M. (Accepted-in-principle). Stage 1 Registered Report: Testing the robustness of daily associations of affect with alcohol and cannabis use. Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science.


Beloborodova, P., Dutcher, J. M., Villalba, D. K., Tumminia, M. J., Doryab, A., Creswell, K., ... & Brown, K. W. (2024). College students’ daily mind wandering is related to lower social well-being. Journal of American College Health, 1-13.[read]


Creswell, K.G., Hisler, G.C., Lyons, G., Carrillo-Álvarez, F.A., Fairbairn, C.E., & Wright, A.G.C. (2024). Changes in alcohol consumption and alcohol problems before and after the COVID-19 pandemic: a prospective study in heavy drinking young adults. Nature Mental Health. [read]


Yan, R., Liu, X., Dutcher, J.M., Tumminia, M.J., Villalba, D., Cohen, S., Creswell, J.D., Creswell, K., Mankoff, J., Dey, A.K. and Doryab, A. (2024). Identifying Links Between Productivity and Biobehavioral Rhythms Modeled From Multimodal Sensor Streams: Exploratory Quantitative Study. JMIR AI, 3, e47194. [read]


Ringwald, W. R., Creswell, K., Low, C., Doryab, A., Chung, T., Oliva, J. B., ... & Wright, A. G. (2024). Common and Uncommon Drinking Patterns in Young Adulthood Uncovered by Person-Specific Computational Modeling. [read]

Creswell, K. G., Brown, K. W., & Pedersen, S. L. (2023). The impact of alcohol consumption on implicit racial bias. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors.​ [read]


Kumar, L., Creswell, K., Lam, P., & Feeney, B. C. (2023). The impact of empathy on drinking motives, alcohol craving, and alcoholic drink orders: An experimental study. [read]


Sanov, B., Kumar, L., & Creswell, K.G. (2023). A systematic review of the acute effects of alcohol on emotion recognition of facial expressions. Addiction Biology, 28(12) [read]


Kumar, L., Hill, S.Y., & Creswell, K.G. (2023). Social cognition and problematic alcohol use: An organizing theoretical framework and suggestions for future work. In K.D. Federmeier & C.E. Fairbairn (Eds.), Psychology of Learning and Motivation: New Directions in Addiction Science, Vol. 79. London: Academic Press. Advance online publication. [read]


Creswell, K.G. & Kumar, L. (2023). A response to Pabst and Maurage: In defense of empathy self-report measures. Addiction, 118, 1821-1822. [read]


Kumar, L., Ringwald, W.R., Wright, A.G.C., & Creswell, K.G. (2023). Associations of state and trait empathy with daily alcohol use. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 47(5), 951-962. [read]


Skrzynski, C.J. & Creswell, K.G. (2023). Solitary-specific drinking to cope motives explain unique variance in solitary drinking behavior but not alcohol problems compared to general drinking to cope motives. PLoS ONE 18(4):e0282506. [read]


Dora, J., Piccirillo, M., Foster, K.T. Arbeau, K., Armeli, S., Auriacombe, M. et al., (2023). The daily association between affect and alcohol use: A meta-analysis of individual participant data. Psychological Bulletin,149,(1-2), 1-24. [read]


Creswell, J.D., Tumminia, M.J., Price, S., Sefidgar, Y., Cohen, S., Ren, Y., Brown, J., Dey, A., Dutcher, J.M., Villalba, D.K., Mankoff, J., Xu, X., Creswell, K.G., Doryab, A., Mattingly, S., Striegel, A., Hachen, D., Martinez, G., Lovett, M.C. (2023). Nightly sleep duration predicts grade point average in the first year of college. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(8), e2209123120. [read]


King, S.E., Skrzynski, C.A., Bachrach, R.L., Wright, A.G.C., & Creswell, K.G. (2023). A reexamination of drinking motives in young adults: The development and initial validation of the Young Adult Alcohol Motives Scale. Assessment. Advance online publication. (ISI Impact Factor 5-yr: 4.87). [read]


Yan, R. Liu, X., Dutcher, J.M., Tumminia, M., Villalba, D. Cohen, S., Creswell, J.D., Creswell, K.G., Mankoff, J., Dey, A., & Doryab, A. (2022). A computational framework for modeling biobehavioral rhythms from mobile and wearable data streams. Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology. 13(3), 1-27. [read]


Bachrach, R.L., Zhou, A., Kumar, L., Lyons., G., Skrzynski, C.J., & Creswell, K.G. (2022). Indirect effects of theory of personality on high-intensity drinking: The role of drinking motives. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 47, 361-369. [read]


Kumar, L., Zhou, A., Sanov, B., Beitler, S., Skrzynski, C.J., & Creswell, K.G. (2022). Indirect effects of theory of mind on alcohol use and problems in underage drinkers: The role of peer pressure to drink. Addictive Behavior Reports, 16, 100468. [read]


Kumar, L., Skrzynski, C.J., & Creswell, K.G. (2022). Indirect effects of theory of mind on alcohol use and problems in underage drinkers: The role of peer pressure to drink. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 46.(11), 1944-1952. [read]


Creswell, K.G., Terry-McElrath, Y.M., & Patrick, M.E. (2022). Solitary drinking in adolescence predicts alcohol problems in adulthood: A 17-year longitudinal study in a large national sample of US high school students. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 238, 109552. [read]


Kumar, L., Skrzynski, C.J., & Creswell, K.G. (2022). A meta-analysis on the associations between empathy and alcohol use and problems in clinical and non-clinical samples. Addiction. [read]


Creswell, K.G. & Sayette, M.A. (2022). How laboratory studies of cigarette craving can inform the experimental alcohol craving literature. Invited Critical Review at Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. [read]


Dutcher, J.M., Lederman, J., Jain, M., Price, S., Kumar, A., Villalba, D.K., Tumminia, M.J., Doryab, A., Cohen, S., Creswell, K.G., Mankoff, J., Dey, A., & Creswell, J.D. (2022). Lack of Feelings of Belonging Predicts Depressive Symptomatology in College Students. Psychological Science. [read]


Ringwald, W.R., Edershile, E.E., Hale, J., Williams, T.F., Simms, L.J., Creswell, K.G., Bachrach, R.L., Wright, A.G.C. (2022). Role of pre-gaming motives in accounting for links between maladaptive personality traits and drinking consequences. Personality Disorders: Treatment, Research, and Theory. [read]


Fairbairn, C.E., Creswell, K.G., Hales, A.H., Williams, K.D., & Wilkins, K. V. (2021). Mixing misery and gin: The effect of alcohol-administration on ostracism response. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. Advance online publication. [read]


Sayette, M.A., Goodwin, M.E., Creswell, K.G., Esmacher, H.J., & Dimoff, J.D. (2021). A person-centered analysis of craving in smoking cue-exposure research.The influence of negative mood on solitary drinking preference: An experiment with young adult solitary drinkers. PLoS one. [read]


Creswell, K.G. (2021). Drinking together and drinking alone: A social-contextual framework for examining alcohol use disorder risk. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 30(1) 19-25. [read]


Creswell, K.G., & Skrzynski, C.J. (2021). The influence of smoking motivation on the associations among smoking craving, attentional bias to smoking cues, and smoking behavior. Nicotine & Tobacco Research. [read]


Skrzynski, C.J., Creswell, K.G., Verstynen, T., Bachrach, R., & Chung, T. (2021). The influence of negative mood on solitary drinking preference: An experiment with young adult solitary drinkers. PLoS one. [read]


Halberstadt, A.L., Skrzynski, C.J., Wright, A.J.C., & Creswell, K.G. (2021). Predicting smoking and nicotine dependence from the DSM-5 Alternative Model of Personality Pathology. Personality Disorders: Treatment, Research, and Theory. [read]


Chikersal, P., Doryab, A., Tumminia, M., Villalba, D., Dutcher, J., Liu, X., Cohen, S., Creswell, K.G., Mankoff, J., Creswell, D., Goel, M., & Dey, A. (2021). Detecting depression and predicting its onset using longitudinal symptoms captured by passive sensing: A machine learning approach with robust feature selection. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), 28(1), 1-41. [read]


Creswell, K.G., & Bachrach, R.L. (2020). A commentary on drinking to cope during the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of external and internal factors in coping motive pathways to alcohol use, solitary drinking, and alcohol problems. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 44(11), 2150-2153. [read]


Skrzynski, C.J., & Creswell, K.G. (2020). A systematic review and meta-analysis on the association  between solitary drinking and alcohol problems in adults. Addiction. Advance online publication. [read]


Skrzynski, C.J., & Creswell, K.G. (2020). Associations between solitary drinking and increased alcohol consumption, alcohol problems, and drinking to cope motives in adolescents and young adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Addiction, 115, 1989-2007. [read]


Emery, R.L., Levine, M.D., Creswell, K.G., Wright, A.G.C., Marsland, A.L., Matthews, K.A., & Manuck, S.B. (2020). Impulsivity and midlife cardiometabolic risk: The role of maladaptive health behaviors. Health Psychology, 39(8),642-654. [read]


Creswell, K.G., Chung, T., Skrzynski, C.J., Bachrach, R.L., Jackson, K.M., Clark, D.B., & Martin, C.S. (2020). Drinking beyond the binge threshold in a clinical sample of adolescents. Addiction, 115(8), 1472-1481. [read]


Fairbairn, C.E., Velia, B.A., Creswell, K.G., & Sayette, M.A. (2020). A dynamic analysis of the effect of alcohol consumption on humor enjoyment in a social context. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 86, 103903. [read]


Creswell, K.G., Sayette, M.A., Skrzynski, C.J., Wright, A.G.C., Schooler, J.W., & Sehic, E. (2019). Assessing cigarette craving with a squeeze. Clinical Psychological Science, 7(3), 597-611. [read]


Creswell, K.G., Wright, A.G.C., Flory, J.D., Skrzynski, C.J., & Manuck, S.B. (2019). Multidimensional assessment of impulsivity-related measures in relation to externalizing behaviors. Psychological Medicine, 14(10), 1678-1690. [read]


Wright, A.G.C., Creswell, K.G., Flory, J.D., Muldoon, M., & Manuck, S.B. (2019). Neurobiological functioning and the personality trait hierarchy: Central serotonergic responsivity and the stability meta-trait. Psychological Science, 30(10), 1413-1423. [read]


Shadel, W.G., Martino, S.C., Setodji, C.M., Dunbar, M., Scharf, D., & Creswell, K.G. (2019). Do graphic health warning labels on cigarette packages deter purchases at point-of-sale? An experiment with adult smokers. Health Education Research, 34(3), 321-331. [read]


Xu, X., Chikersal, P., Doryab, A., Villalba, D.K., Dutcher, J.M., Tumminia, M., Althoff, T., Cohen, S., Creswell, K.G., Creswell, J.D., Mankoff, J., & Dey, A.K. (2019). Leveraging routine behavior and contextually-filtered features for depression detection among college students. The Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, 3(3), 116. [read]


Doryab, A., Villalba, D.K., Chikersal, P., Dutcher, J.M., Tumminia, M., Liu, X., Cohen, S., Creswell, K.G., Mankoff, J., Creswell, J.D., & Day, A.K. (2019). Identifying behavioral phenotypes of loneliness and social isolation with passive sensing: A three-fold analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 7(7), e13209. [read]


Sayette, M.A., Creswell, K.G., Fairbairn, C.E., Dimoff, J.D. Bentley, K., & Lazerus, T. (2019). The effects of alcohol on positive emotion during a comedy routine: A facial coding analysis. Emotion, 19(3), 480-488. [read]


Creswell, K.G. & Chung, T. (2018). Treatment for alcohol use disorder: Progress in predicting treatment outcome and validating non-abstinent endpoints. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 42(10), 1874-1879. [read]


Chung, T., Creswell, K.G., Bachrach, R.L., Clark, D.B., & Martin, C.S. (2018). Adolescent binge drinking: Developmental context and opportunities for prevention. Alcohol Research: Current Reviews. The Journal of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. [read]


Creswell, K.G., Sayette, M.A., Schooler, J.W., Wright, A.G.C., & Pacilio, L.E. (2018). Visceral states call for visceral measures: Verbal overshadowing of hunger ratings across assessment modalities. Assessment, 25(2), 173-182. [read]


Skrzynski, C., Creswell, K.G., Bachrach, R.L., & Chung, T. (2018). Social deficits moderate the relationship between drinking to cope and solitary drinking in underage drinkers. Addictive Behaviors, 78, 124-130. [read]


Sayette, M.A., Fairbairn, C.E., & Creswell, K.G. (2016). Alcohol and emotion: The importance of social context. In C.E. Kopetz & C.W. Lejuez (Eds.), Addiction: A Social Psychological Perspective. (pp. 98-119), New York: Psychology Press. [read]


Sayette, M.A. & Creswell, K.G. (2016). Self-Regulatory Failure and Addiction. In K.D. Vohs & R.F. Baumeister (Eds.), Handbook of Self-Regulation: Research, Theory,
and Applications, 3rd Edition. New York: Guilford Press. [


Creswell, K.G., Bachrach, R.L., Wright, A.G.C., Pinto, A., & Ansell, E. (2016). Predicting problematic alcohol use with the DSM-5 alternative model of personality pathology. Personality Disorders: Treatment, Research, and Theory, 7(1), 103-111. [read]


Creswell, K.G., Wright, A.C.G, Troxel, W.M., Ferrell, R.E., Flory, J.D., & Manuck, S.B. (2015). OXTR polymorphism predicts social relationships through its effects on social temperament. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. [read]


Fairbairn, C.E., Sayette, M.A., Wright, A.G.C., Levine, J.M., Cohn, J.F., & Creswell, K.G. (2015). Extraversion and the rewarding effects of alcohol in a social context. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 124(3), 660-673. [read]


Creswell, K.G., Cheng, Y., & Levine, M.D. (2015). A test of the stress-buffering model of social support in smoking cessation: is the relationship between social support and time to relapse mediated by reduced withdrawal symptoms? Nicotine & Tobacco Research. [read]


Black, J.J., Clark, D.B., Martin, C.S., Kim, K.H., Blaze, T.J., Creswell, K.G., & Chung, T. (2015). Course of alcohol symptoms and social anxiety disorder from adolescence to young adulthood. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. [read]


Creswell, K.G., Chung, T., Clark, D.B, & Martin, C.S. (2014). Solitary alcohol use in teens is associated with drinking in response to negative affect and predicts alcohol problems in young adulthood. Clinical Psychological Science. [read]


Fairbairn, C.E., Sayette, M.A., Levine, J.M., Cohn, J.F., & Creswell, K.G. (2013). The impact of alcohol on the emotional displays of white members of interracial groups. Emotion, 13, 468-477 [read]


Creswell, K.G., Sayette, M.A., Manuck, S.B., Ferrell, R.E., Hill, S.Y., & Dimoff, J.D. (2012). DRD4 polymorphism moderates the effect of alcohol consumption on social bonding. PLoS ONE, 7(2), e29814, 1-9. [read]


Sayette, M.A., Creswell, K.G., Dimoff, J.D., Fairbairn, C.E., Cohn, J.F., Heckman, B.W., Kirchner, T.R, Levine, J.M., & Moreland, R.L. (2012). Alcohol and group formation: A multimodal investigation of the effects of alcohol on emotion and social bonding. Psychological Science. [read]


Wilson, S.J., Creswell, K.G., Sayette, M.A., & Fiez, J.A. (2012). Ambivalence about smoking and cue-elicited neural activity in quitting motivated smokers faces with an opportunity to smoke. Addictive Behaviors. [read]


Sayette, M.A. & Griffin, K.M. (2011). Self-Regulatory Failure and Addiction. In K.D. Vohs & R.F. Baumeister (Eds.), Handbook of Self-Regulation: Research, Theory,
and Applications, 2nd Edition. (pp. 505-521), New York: Guilford Press. [


Sayette, M.A., Griffin, K.M., & Sayers, W.M. (2010). Counterbalancing in smoking cue research: a critical analysis. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 12(11), 1068-1079. [read]


Griffin, K.M., & Sayette, M.A. (2008). Facial reactions to smoking cues relate to ambivalence about smoking. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 22(4), 551-556. [read]


Donny, E.C., Griffin, K.M., Shiffman, S., & Sayette, M.A. (2008). The relationship between cigarette use, nicotine dependence, and craving in laboratory volunteers.
Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 10(5), 933-942. 


Sayette, M.A., Loewenstein, G., Griffin, K.M. & Black, J.J. (2008). Exploring the cold-to-hot empathy gap in smokers. Psychological Science, 19(9), 926-932. [read]


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